Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Happy Canada Daaaay !!

Mmmmmhm. These are maple cupcakes, with maple frosting and a maple candy on top. I LOVE MAPLE. I don't really even like maple syrup, actually but I looove everything flavoured maple... candy, candy, cupcakes, cookies, candy, and so on...So, I was happy to make maple flavoured cupcakes for everyone to enjoy. My room mate suggested lemon frosting. I think it would be good to put lemon on maple, so maybe they'll come in the future. I also made cookies !!! On a holiday, one blog cannot be updated without the other. Happy Canada Day everyoneee !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica,

This is Scott. Nice work, very impressive. Are you a proffessional? I think you could make a business out of this.

Nice to see you at Eau Claire yesterday, my number is 470-7501